Saturday, January 28, 2017

Lots of Opportunities for our SoCal Region

* We have a few spots left for our Sixteenth Annual Writer’s Retreat. If you are a Young Adult or Middle Grade Writer you won’t want to miss it!  May 5th - 7th, 2017. Work on your novel with the support of an agent, editor and published authors in a scenic mountain retreat of Idyllwild, Ca.  Dig out the gold in your manuscript and query letter. Polish your work in four critique group sessions lead by an editor, agent and two published authors. The retreat is limited to twenty three attendees. Grab your spot now.
Faculty Includes:
Kate Sullivan, Senior Editor at Delacorte Press, Random House Children's Books
Erin Young, agent at Dystel, Goderich, and Bourret
Estelle Laure, YA author
Steve Bramucci, MG author
* If you are interested in building your own website or blog, join us on February 22, 2017. This workshop will be led by John Dadlez, internet genius. His workshop is 
designed to help the novice, the savvy business person, moms, professionals, writers, artists, educators, and anyone else who wants/needs a 
website or blog but is concerned about maintaining it and saving costs.
Would you like to learn how to write a Picture Book?  On April 1st, 2017.9:30 AM - 12:30 PM, CSUF - Join Alexis O’Neill in her Writing Workshop
Creating a World in 800 Words or Less
If you would like to meet up with other writers or illustrators locally please join one of our free SCBWI Meet Ups.
In the OC contact; Ernesto Cisneros at; 
In the IE contact: Marilyn Donahue at;
In the Pomona area contact; Gina Capaldi at;
for Illustrators come out and join an awesome Illustrators group at CSUF with
Cliff Cramp. 
Contact Cliff at;
Mark Your Calendars.........
Additional opportunities are in the works and will be coming to you soon! Save the date; June 3rd, 2017. Salina Yoon will present a picture book workshop for both illustrators and writers. Details will be forthcoming.
If you have any good news to share please email me with your news at; 
Francesca Rusackas